Assembly brings a new breath to the business world. It creates a progressive business society and stands out with its tailored services. This new office building concept has just started providing services in Ferko Signature Building, located in Levent, Istanbul, but very soon, it will start providing management services in other buildings located in vivid cities around the world.
Assembly’s new approach to office management also fills a very important gap in this dynamic world with #AssemblyTalks (event and speech series) and Journal (Assembly’s digital magazine). Besides a strong editorial content, Assembly Journal serves the purpose of an active events planning portal which distinguishes from similar corporate websites, and emerges as a base for the members to come together, interact, and share.
As Dükkan Creative, we are happy and proud to be a part of this innovative enterprise. We have been working intensely with Assembly at important milestones, from deliberating the communication strategy to designing the services, from determining speakers and discussion topics to the visual language of the website and social media channels. During our intensive work with Assembly, we came up with a new approach that produces results very quickly.